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Reiki Practice in a Hurried World

01 Jan
by sheryl 0 comments

Sometimes I have these delightful visions of meditating up on a mountain top, connecting with nature, letting the peacefulness of the Reiki energy just fill my being. I would feel so free… so serene… so enlightened…

This image always warms my senses and gives me an inkling of perhaps what it was like when Mikao Usui went up on the mountain to go into that deep space of meditation. For Usui Sensei, it was a very intense spiritual longing that brought him to that place.

Yet the reality for me is I am living in ultra-busy Long Island, NY where the pace of life is consistently fast, hurried and filled with the connection of all our technological devices. We are multitaskers, our lives divided into many different and busy segments. There is minimal down time.

I have a home to maintain, several pets, a husband who works long hours in Manhattan (and so leaving all domestic tasks to me) and blended family of 4 children plus 3 grandchildren, one just turning a year old.  So yes, I count my blessings….

Life is incredibly FULL!

Long periods of meditation rarely materialize. Yet, I feel supremely connected to that modality which is Reiki. I feel totally immersed in this energy.

I have a growing, thriving Reiki (and Animal Reiki) practice with students and clients and monthly Reiki Circles. This is my passion!

All teachers emphasize the importance of a consistent practice. Yet what does that mean? Does that require one to do an hour or more of Reiki meditation each day?  I have mused and pondered these things over time.  And I have concluded that the best practice is one that enriches the individual — one that works for you.

Connect daily with the symbols, recite the Precepts and reflect on the deeper meaning of what they represent. Practice self-Reiki each day — and it is okay if the time varies, depending upon your needs at that point in time. And make every effort to do this each day. Practice some of the Japanese Reiki technique meditations.

Bring Reiki into your heart — learn the meaning of profound compassion.

Somewhere along the way I had my own personal “ah-ha” moment — my own Reiki awakening. I felt that I was on my right path with this beautiful, uplifting modality and  I knew this was the direction that was most perfect and inspired for me.

I somehow came into that supreme knowing that Reiki is not simply a practice of such and such rituals. Reiki is a state of mind! Reiki is a way to live.

Reiki is simply a place and a space to BE.

The simplicity and pureness of it can guide you to an indescribably joyful sense of inner peace. Reiki helps you align with the glorious energy of the Universe.

Reiki helps you reconnect with your core essence, your “true self” — your unique connection to your inner guidance — your soul essence.

The meditation and rituals are simply tools and aids to help you get to this place of inner peace. So it is totally fine to develop a daily practice that resonates with you — and it does not need to be lengthy.

Along my personal path, I witnessed firsthand what a remarkable positive transformation Reiki had brought into my own life. And I wish for you the same amazing and enlightening awakening and shifts…

Do not get too caught up in time and rituals — let your heart guide you as how to best integrate Reiki into your life. May you experience much healing and inner peace along your own personal journey.

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    516 884 6657


    Farmingdale, NY